Thursday, June 28, 2012

Joining the club!!!

We had our gender check ultra sound and............
ITS A BOY!!!!!!!! We are joining the 4 boys club!! It is going to be awesome.  My ultrasound lady is so great and comes in the room asking what I have already......3 boys. "Oh pressure is on, Im so nervous. I'll try my best!" She says.  She gets on and goes right to the "area".  I dont even know what we are looking at yet and she goes,"Oh no.....its a boy!" I wasnt sure if she was joking or not.  She wasn't. A fourth boy....four in a row....that is crazy!!!! I was telling her it is good. I am comfortable with boys, I know boys, I have all boy stuff. We are good!!!! We had time in the waiting room before the dr. apt. Justin and I were talking about it and he said, "well, we will have lots of daughter-in-laws.  Then I got a little teary and explained that girls always go to their moms and their husbands just do what their wives want, so even if I am a cool mother-in-law, I wont have them around as much. Girls go to their moms when they have babies.....I reminded Justin, "I'm not sad, I'm just pregnant!"
"So, who do you think he will look like?" I said. Justin said Drew but as we were looking at this profile picture, I said, "that doesn't look like Drew". "It looks like Breck", Justin said.  So we will see what mold this one comes out like.  Amazing how we can see the profile, with little lips and nose and hand.  It is about the size of an avocado.  When we got into see Dr. Hansen he asked, "Well?????" "Another boy", I said. He got all pumped and was cheering and gave my knuckles. He has 4 boys. "Welcome to the club", he said. "It's a good one"!!! We are excited.

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