Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Busy May!!!

There has been so much going on. WOW!!I have too much to catch up on.  I hope to do it mostly with pictures, so here we go......

My boys Red Sox team had the opportunity to be introduced and do the National Anthem with the Riverton High School team.  It was cool.  Jens and Drew are the two middle.  Look how little they are, and how big those high school boys are.  Are my little boys really going to be big boys one day?  AHHHH!!!

Jensen had an awesome 7 year old birthday party!
It was a shark party so we had shark cupcakes and water fun.  A pool and slip n slide, a fish pond and a lochness monster bounce house.

And he invited like 20 kids.  Smart kid......lots of presents.  It turned out really fun.


 There were tons of planes to walk around and walk through and play in.  It was so much fun.

 These were the Thunderbirds.  They were the closing act and they were amazing! As you can see the dark clouds made the weather difficult.  We got to see about 2 hours of different flying shows, so awesome and then.........

DOWN POUR!!!! it was blowing rain so there was really no way to hide from it.  We all started rushing out in flocks.  All the cars were like 1/2 mile away and people would take cover wherever possible for a little break, then keep on chuggin.  We were all soaked by the time we got to the car.  It was a fun adventure.  It worked out great.  We went and got dry and warm and some lunch and then came back and watched the rest of the show.  It was so amazing.  I have been wanting to go to an air show forever and it was worth it, even in the crappy weather. 

BRECK'S BIRTHDAY, JUNE 1 !!! 2 years old!!!
We took the family to the Bees game for Breck's birthday.  He loves ball and it was a perfect night.  He also got his very own scooter so he doesn't have to borrow his brother's anymore. 
Grammy also got him this cool new motorcycle!

 Drew was given the title of "Defender" because he is always a hero that fights and protects.
 His preschool buddies, Ella and Noah.
 His best friend Jason
Drew's wonderful teacher, Mrs. Millington.  He had such a great year and learned so much.  He is ready to advance to kindergarten!


Cute boys playing in the closet.
-Jensen has officially advanced from 1st grade to 2nd grade.  He hated waking up early but seemed to enjoy Mrs. Paepke and school once he got there.  We are hoping to get Later Gator schedule next year.
-Breck is saying more and more words.  His latest is thank you..."tankooo".  He does pretty well in the nursery if we sneak out.  The leaders say, " I think towards the end he just gets tired and takes no crap from nobody." He does push and hit but hey, the others were biters so we're good!
-Drew has been noticing the trees lately, the "Dripping Willy" as Justin always points out the cool Weeping Willows.

After lots of requests Justin has put a little video together of our amazing 2 year old.  Actually, all this happened before he was 2, which we think is pretty incredible.  Check out this link to a short youtube video of Breck.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

oh my goodness, Breck is so big!! He's TWO! I can't even believe it. He's so dang cute. Like all your boys! I love that you went to the air show, Jon and I are big air show fans, but didn't make it this year. We miss you guys and love your cute little family, wish we were closer!