Thursday, May 3, 2012

New Baby Chick

HAPPY EASTER!!!!!  This is the plate we took as our appetizer for Easter Sunday.  Deviled eggs that looked like baby chicks. Cute!!!! As they were eaten one by one...........

This is what was revealed.  Yep!! it's true.  The Smiths are crazy and are going for a fourth baby.  Yeah!

We are excited.  Justin gets a little too excited. He put this on our bathroom mirror when we found out. I was only like 7 weeks along when we had to tell our families.  I like to wait to tell people, I don't know why, it just seems weird. But Justin he loves to tell everybody, which is cute.  So he comes home from work and goes, " We need to tell our families cause I have told like 20 people at my work."  Well, 3 of our brothers and sisters work there.  So, we told the fam and all are excited for us. We are due around Thanksgiving.  This will be a new experience for me since all my pregnancies and babies have been the same time of year.

Pictures of my cute boys:
 How could I not want more of these cute kids???

Breck had a rough night for some reason, which is pretty rare for him. I had to sleep with him on the chair.  I think he was scared.  Every time he fell asleep and I would go to lay him down he would cry.  So we slept in the chair together until I had to get up for the morning.  He remained asleep on the chair for a bit.
Then Jensen joined him.  He loves his little buddy.


Kylee & Russell Ahlberg said...

YAY!!!!! I am SO excited that you are preggers. You have the cutest kiddos!

Bekky said...

Congratulations! You will have to send me an email as soon as you know if you are having a boy or girl.

Mama said...

whhhaattt!!!??? I am not getting pregnant this year, you have broken our 6 month pattern.....
But I am SO HAPPY for you!
Love you all!