Sunday, November 16, 2008

Winter's close!

Despite what it appears, Jensen did have a real fun time building his first snowman. Since then it's melted and he's looking forward to the next snowfall, Justin is too but for a different reason (snowboarding is CLOSE!).

Putting up lights on our tiny house was harder than you'd think. We're excited for Christmas!


Larsens said...

Is justin wearing a PINK jacket! I won't let drew see that he wont let him live it down! I love the winter can't wait! Hope to see you guys soon! Your family pics are perfect by the way.

The Dumas Family said...

I can't believe you got your lights up already - way to be on top of things. Great family pictures too, she did a really good job. Thanks for letting us visit your scary graveyard.

nick and julie said...

Justin kind of looks like a girl in his pink coat :). I'm not worried, I know he's secure. Wow... lights up already! Good job. So good to hear from you again. julie

kallina said...

Dude, I got your back Justin. Everyone is just jealous that you are going to look absolutely sick on the slopes this year! Joel

baxtersrus said...

I'm commenting so you have no excuses to not look at my blog!