Justin has been home this week from everything, work, church...with terrible stomach pain. He was doubled over in pain and basically tears (don't tell him I said that). We almost took him to the ER on Wed. night but ended up chatting online with a doc. We did take him to the insta care Thurs. morning and they thought he has the beginning stages of an ulcer. He was put on a few prescriptions, one to reduce the acid in his stomach and one to coat the lining. Poor guy!!! They told him it would take a while to heal so, we hope he gets feeling better soon. But funny story..... Justin has been applying for some different positions/ jobs and so that has been the topic of mine and his conversations lately. As I said, he has been home sick, laying around for the last 5 days and Drew says, "What's your new job? Laying in bed all day?" Hee Hee!! So funny!
Drew and his best buddy Jason took this "itty bitty ball" class from our local rec center. I was worried at first because Drew is almost 5, big and strong, and definitely above his league in sports. One of my girlfriends said, "oh ya, I lied on my son's age once and put him in when he was 2". I thought Drew was going to kill somebody.
They had everything really well organized and he was on the "Incredibles" team. They would do one sport each day and rotate through 6 drill stations. When it came time to move stations they would give a team cheer. Go Incredibles!!! He had a fun time. They also were teaching sportsmanship and Drew was listening closely. That weekend we took my high school team to a tournament in St. George. My team lost to a not-so-good team and we were kinda reaming them out after the game. We lightened up a bit and called it up for a cheer and Drew asked if he could say something to the girls so we let him, " You wont get better if you don't listen to your coaches, you know!" We all giggled. He is so funny