Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Years Resolution!!!!

Well, I know all of our three followers will be excited to hear that I, Breanne, have started a new year's resolution to blog this year of our life.  I am really wanting to use this as a journal.  Hopefully you will all enjoy updates more frequently than once every 18 months.  Sorry about that. :)  As you can see this will be a challenge as we have had a hard time posting. Also, I have never blogged before.  Justin has been the one that started this and so often updates it. But I am really going to try and now that I have started, I have verballed my commitment to all (3) of you and dont want to let you down.  Now, I can't guarantee that they will be long or exciting but it will be some documentation of our lives and that is a good start.  I hope to create a life long habit.  So here goes.....

1 comment:

baxtersrus said...

yay! I for one will be happy to see all the exciting posts you share! Cancun looks awesome!